Thanks for Your Support

Galway 2

Galway Lions Club Christmas Appeal 2022 – Thank you for your support.

To everyone who supported our Christmas Appeal – through our radio auction or our iDonate fundraiser – a very sincere thank you!

The restrictions imposed by the current situation meant that many of our usual fundraising events could not be held this year, while the way we conducted others had to be radically changed. Our annual radio auction, with Galway Bay FM, was conducted over multple locations to ensure social distancing and we transitioned to using iDonate as a platform for our cash collection. However, while we could change the way we raise funds, what we could not do without is the support of the busness community and the people of Galway. Despite the difficult year that many of you have had, you rose to the occasion – as you always do – and your generosity was overwhelming.

The help that you have given, through sponsorship, donations, or purchasing items in our auction, will make a real difference. Every Euro that we have raised will be used to make life a little bit easier for hundreds of families in our community who find themselves in need of a helping hand this Christmas and throughout the coming year.

Once agan, thank you and on behalf of Galway Lions Club I wish you and yours a Happy Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

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Galway Lions Club
Help us help others by donating to Galway Lions Club a 100% voluntary organisation. All funds raised go to charitable purposes, CHY15707
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