Message in a Bottle

Galway 2

The Message in a Bottle is an emergency information scheme which includes a Personal Information Form (PIF) containing accurate relevant medical and other information relating to the Bottle recipient.


The PIF simply directs the emergency services to information stored in a plastic bottle which is kept in the fridge: vulnerable people or those with a medical condition can enter their details on the form which is inside the bottle. It will also include a photograph, health details, emergency contact, and doctor, where there are pets that need looking after and much more which will assist the emergency services.

The scheme is free to the user. The Lions Club provides the bottles free of charge. As a minimum it will save the Emergency Services valuable time identifying the patient and their emergency contacts.

By stating whether the patient has special medication or allergies etc., it is a potential lifesaver and provides peace of mind to the user and their friends and families. With the bottle come three green stickers, one for inside the front door, one for inside the back door and one for the fridge door. The Emergency Services will see them and know there is additional vital information available.


Message in a bottle is now available to Golfers.  A metal disc/tag is placed on the Golf bag to indicate that a bottle is contained in the top pocket of the Golf bag. 

The project also benefits from significant community involvement.

The Message in a Bottle scheme in Connemara is currently  being promoted by Galway Rural Development to whom Galway Lions Club have donated almost 1,000 bottles to date for distribution in the community. The campaign is a collaborative effort with support from the National Ambulance Service West, the Maam Community First Responders who plan to distribute them to every household in the Maam Valley as well as Comharchumann Dhúiche Sheoigeach Teo, whose manager Gearóid Ó Fátharta will support their distribution throughout the wider Joyce Country area. It is also being supported by the Galway Library Service who are distributing them through their libraries in Connemara. Clifden Garda Station will give them out and will also have some available for collection at the station itself. If you or someone you know in this area would like a bottle please contact Anne Cassidy, Rural Resource Officer with Galway Rural Development on 087 7685711 or [email protected].

NB please ensure your postcode is given when calling the emergency services as a delay in finding your home may result in serious consequences

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